A shady character

I’d gone for another of my lunchtime rambles with the camera and my ultra-wide lens through the back streets around Golden Lane and popped out onto Old Street and walked down to St Luke’s Church. I’d walked 15 yards down the small lane to the right trying to get a nice angle through the shrubs and branches of the spire. I gave up and turned around quickly to walk off when I spotted a heavy set 17-18 year old guy with a trainee moustache and swinging an open faced motorbike helmet 10 metres away and heading straight towards me.

When he’d seen I’d spotted him, he did an about-turn and almost jogged off back towards the main road and turned right. I walked back to the same road and turned left. After 10 seconds he’d stopped and was again looking at me. After we locked eyes for the second time he crossed the road and pretended to wait for the bus.

That one minute of perceived danger reminded me of two things I’d forgotten; not everyone is nice and don’t spend all your time looking up.


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